John R. Graham

普賢 / Universal Compassion 収録OST: Vol.1 / 完全盤





Throughout the story, Mitsuhide struggles with contending obligations – his mother and family name, his immediate family, loyalties to Dosan Saito and Yoshikage Asakura; Nobunaga and the Bafuku. But, although these loyalties tug him in different directions, throughout Mitsuhide is motivated by seeking a unified, peaceful Japan. Moreover, that motivation is consistent with his philosophical and religious studies as a Buddhist.

“Universal Compassion,” played with elegance and restraint by the NHK orchestra under the direction of Junichi Hirokami, seeks to capture Mitsuhide’s yearning for peace for all people. Unlike some, Mitsuhide seeks a unified Japan not so he, personally, can dominate it, but as a haven for all people – women and children, ordinary farmers, daimyos and soldiers.

A flute enters, solo, meandering a bit as though thinking about something, then pausing. The strings take over, bringing the listener a little further along a thoughtful journey. The melody emerges only at 1’45 after the exploratory introduction. Like Mitsuhide, it’s earnest and forthright, it is not especially grand at first and not particularly ornamented. After a bridge section, at 3’10 the melody returns, stated with more power, at a slightly faster tempo, and with greater support from the low brass, but it remains relatively simple, unadorned.

The piece ends with as many questions as it starts, a bit fragile and unresolved.

♫ ダウンロード&ストリーミング配信
「普賢 / Universal Compassion」
from サウンドトラック Vol.1

「攻防 / Castle Assault」

NHK大河ドラマ「麒麟がくる 」オリジナル・サウンドトラック Vol.1
[発売日] : 2020.01.29
¥3,000+ 税
ソニー・ミュージックレーベルズ / SICX-30083

NHK大河ドラマ「麒麟がくる 」オリジナル・サウンドトラック Vol.1

NHK大河ドラマ「麒麟がくる 」オリジナル・サウンドトラック Vol.1

NHK大河ドラマ「麒麟がくる」オリジナル・サウンドトラック 完全盤
[発売日] : 2021.02.24
¥15,000+ 税
ソニー・ミュージックレーベルズ / SICX-30090 ~ SICX-30095

NHK大河ドラマ「麒麟がくる」オリジナル・サウンドトラック 完全盤

NHK大河ドラマ「麒麟がくる」オリジナル・サウンドトラック 完全盤
