John R. Graham

曙光 / Descended from the Sun 収録OST: Vol.3 / 完全盤












This piece has to sound different from the rest of the score.  Not only are we seeing the Emperor (or in his presence), but the Emperor’s role and rituals are supposed to be outside the ordinary; timeless, unaffected and uninfluenced by the daily struggles of daimyos, shoguns, and others.

Moreover, because of the Emperor’s association with the sun, I thought it would be appropriate for the music to evoke aspects of the sun.  Accordingly, ideas like, “eternal,” “powerful,” “indifferent to humans,” “glowing,” “throbbing,” “cyclical,” and “dazzling” came to mind; even “sizzling.”

Interestingly, in Europe at the time of Mitsuhide, people believed that heavenly bodies (the sun, the moon, stars, the planets) were “perfect” – exactly spherical – and that they moved perfectly also, in exactly circular or spherical paths.  That gave me the idea that the sun, if it had music, would sound ‘perfect,’ so I used perfect musical intervals (octaves, fifths and fourths) in the melody and accompaniment.  I avoided thirds in the harmony.

For instruments, I thought we should try to evoke something timeless, but also sounds that glow, throb, or sizzle somewhat, so I primarily relied on voices and bowed instruments, especially bowed objects (bowed metal, bowed glass or bowed instruments) whose sound ‘glows.”  I also used some brass, partly because they can “glow” and throb as well, a bit like the sun.

We have the solo singer to sing the main melody but choirs (some near, some far away) accompany her and create the sense of multitudes of people, maybe ancient and modern, supporting her and surrounding the Emperor’s person.

Finally, the sun is indifferent.  It doesn’t care what happens to people but carries on in its place, unconcerned with humanity.  For that reason, and also because I think we have superb actors and superb writing for these scenes, the music doesn’t ‘comment’ on what is happening; it doesn’t get “sad” or “exciting” or otherwise nudge the audience.  Instead, the music creates a sensation of ‘something important and powerful’ but is unconcerned – this allows the actors to do what they do so well, with our amazing writer’s words.  The sun is above the people, surrounds them with its presence, but actually doesn’t care who wins, who loses, or anything else to do with human wishes and fate. Musically, that objectivity and lack of concern expresses itself by being somewhat “still” (apart from the solo melody), by having entrances cross each other without being extremely ordered (to reflect a certain chaos in the sun’s heat and explosiveness) and avoiding a noticeable pulse or rhythm.  The music is more a presence that evolves, much as the Emperor is a distant presence of which people are conscious but with whom very few actually consort.

Overall, like the sun, the music floats above the people in the story and doesn’t enter into their concerns, hopes, feelings, or wishes.  Instead, it surrounds them and is part of the medium in which they struggle, but it remains apart.

Musical Progression

The cue starts off with no pulse, just a little glow, maybe on a misty morning before sunrise.  Then, about 0’50” you can just discern the melody entering played on bowed glass.   This floats along, without any hurry, taking its time.  At approximately 2’45” the sun rises, and after that (at 3’30”) we hear the melody of the sun in the beautiful voice of Maiko Horisawa.

I added a crescendo at the end (6’03”) in the brass and choir in case the scene requires something more powerful than just the melody finishing.

With regard to the story, the “sunrise” moment could be the time when we actually see the Emperor, or perhaps when (if?) he smiles.

♫ ダウンロード&ストリーミング配信
「曙光 / Descended from the Sun」
from サウンドトラック Vol.3

「信長 / Nobunaga」

NHK大河ドラマ「麒麟がくる」オリジナル・サウンドトラック Vol.3
[発売日] : 2020.12.23
¥3,000+ 税
ソニー・ミュージックレーベルズ / SICX-30089

NHK大河ドラマ「麒麟がくる」オリジナル・サウンドトラック Vol.3

NHK大河ドラマ「麒麟がくる」オリジナル・サウンドトラック Vol.3

NHK大河ドラマ「麒麟がくる」オリジナル・サウンドトラック 完全盤
[発売日] : 2021.02.24
¥15,000+ 税
ソニー・ミュージックレーベルズ / SICX-30090 ~ SICX-30095

NHK大河ドラマ「麒麟がくる」オリジナル・サウンドトラック 完全盤

NHK大河ドラマ「麒麟がくる」オリジナル・サウンドトラック 完全盤
