Glorious Edo(メインテーマ)
この『べらぼう』のメインテーマは、さまざまな想いを讃えたいという思いで作曲しました。 この曲を書きながら、江戸の壮大なスケール感や、きらびやかで活気があってせわしない様子、商人たちが裕福になったことで社会が変わり、芸術(陶芸、絵画、衣服、そしてもちろん浮世絵も)が大きく発展していく様子を思い浮かべていました。 しかし、豊かで平和な時代では、往々にして創造と破壊は表裏一体です。刺激的な夜遊びは特権階級の人々にとってはこの上ない娯楽でしたが、その一方で、吉原の女性や少女たちには苦痛を強いる側面もありました。富は経済の隆盛を生み出しながら、同時に秩序ある世界に混乱を招き、伝統的な階級構造を揺るがし、ともすると根底から覆しかねない状態にありました。商人たちの中には享楽を禁じる倹約令を巧みにかいくぐっていた者もいましたが、保守的な人々は、そうした社会の繁栄は腐敗そのものなのだと批判的でした。この頃の江戸は、商いに勢いがあり、華やかで、人々が快楽を求める熱気で溢れていましたが、そうした激動の波の中で、ある者は高みへと登り、またある者は挫折を余儀なくされていました。そんな揺れ動く時代を映し出すため、この曲の音には彩りの変化や意外性を込めました。
The main title for “Berabou” aims to celebrate many ideas. As I wrote, I pictured the large scale of society, the glittering, energetic restlessness of Edo – social change, growth in the arts (ceramics, painting, clothing, and, of course, ukiyo-e) – all fueled by growing wealth of the merchant class. Like other times of prosperity and peace, creation and destruction took place simultaneously; wild, exciting night life allowed the privileged to have tremendous fun, but also imposed suffering on the women and girls of Yoshiwara. The same wealth that generated economic activity also disrupted the orderly world, threatening to upend, or at least shake, the rigid traditional class structure. Some merchants happily steered around the sumptuary laws forbidding certain indulgences by them; conservative observers decried any such social change as being inherently corrupt. Edo at this time boiled with commerce, flashiness, and pleasure-seeking. These tumultuous times raised up some and cast down others. The shifting colours and ideas in the main title are very much intended to reflect that tumult in the music.
On the personal level, the main title loosely illustrates Jyuzaburo’s journey. At first, we hear the flash of the exotic-sounding cimbalom. Maybe it’s the kernel of an idea, an intuition that led him to take his first chances? Maybe it reflects his ability to sense what art will excite and inspire his audience? That initial “tickle” is followed by the first announcement of the theme. When we first hear it, it’s presented as a “soli” (a group solo) by the cellos, which I pictured as akin to Jyuzaburo’s single voice as he starts out. Then, as with his life, he begins to build his team, gathering artists, wood-carvers, paper-makers, ink providers, distribution – the complex infrastructure needed to create and disseminate his publications. There are triumphs and setbacks, pauses for building energy, with (at about 1:45), the tune returning, now played by the entire orchestra, including the powerful brass. The finale is intended to reflect the world-wide power of the cultural and artistic movement that this period in Edo drove forward. Within 100 years of Jyuzaburo’s lifetime, the art, ceramics, and other creations of that time sparked a world-wide interest in everything Japanese. In France, interest in Japan was so avid that a specific word was coined – “Japonisme” – to describe the widespread embrace of Japanese artistic ideas in painting, ceramics, furniture, landscaping, architecture, and even the performing arts.
Glorious Edo ~大河ドラマ「べらぼう~蔦重栄華乃夢噺~」メインテーマ
[発売日] : 2025.2.5
日本コロムビア / COCP-42437
■ メインテーマ (Tr.1)
指揮:下野竜也 演奏:NHK交響楽団
■ 参加アーティスト
Cimbalom 斉藤 浩 (Tr.1, 2, 5, 14, 15)
Cello 宮田 大 (Tr.7, 23)
Koto LEO (Tr.5, 6, 11, 13, 15)
Piano 林 正樹 (Tr.4, 5, 7, 22, 23)
Solo Woodwinds Chris Bleth (Tr. 12,15,17,20,21)